Title: Hair God Billy
Summary: Billy is an exceptional hairstylist with a special interest in highlights and color services.
Overview: There are no limitations to Billys creations. Offering his guests over 15 years of hairstyling experience, Billy is able to create any look from simple to extreme. His signature styles are classic, timeless sexy shapes with an edge. Billy is
an excellent listener and communicates with his guests to give them the best possible outcome. He is especially popular amongst the blondes, who praise his abilities to make their color appear totally natural. Billys favorite part of being a hairstylist
is the power to transform guests lives by simply updating their hairstyles.
Highlights: Platform artist for Toni and Guy Featured hairstylist and colorist at several hairshows and trade shows around the U.S. Toni and Guy Certified in advanced cut and color.
Favorite Hair Tip: Never go three shades lighter or darker than your natural color for the best results.
Pricing is available via online booking.
Consultations are always complimentary, recommended for new guests, and required for color corrections. - Book Now